Zaka Coins


A currency that is not owned or controlled by any individual, organization, entity and group is called Cryptocurrency. A pure cryptocurrency must be a democratic one and must be driven by a Community only.

Alternative Banking 

It is a decentralized financial system that democratizes finance. It gives the unbanked access to all. It provides many features that a traditional financial institution denies. It is an alternative to the  banking ecosystem and a way to protect our money from hyperinflation. It acts as an intangible asset and digital gold, surely.

“Money manipulation is the root of all evil, you can manipulate fiat but you can’t manipulate bitcoin.”

Gun Gun Febrianza, Written by

“It gives real freedom to every citizen of every country; such freedom is termed as Bitcoin Freedom”

Bitcoin Freedom’ , Written in

Digital Currency Vs Cryptocurrency

Every nation will be using their own Digital Currency  as their legal tender and at the same time business industries use Cryptocurrencies of their own or of others, for every aspect of their business transactions.

The digital currencies are centralized in nature and cryptocurrencies are decentralized, mostly.

Cryptocurrencies belong to neither private nor government, but belong to the public.

To summarize, cryptocurrency is just an alternative economy and ideally people should be able to exchange information, finance, goods etc through this alternative economy if they so choose.

Zaka Coins

Zaka Coins doesn’t have a CEO, nor is it controlled by any individual, organization, entity, or group. However, Zaka Coins is the Digital Currency to be owned by the community, i.e. its holders. The people in the community are the ones who are going to control it. Obviously, all the investors who have bought and held the Zaka Coins are called the Zaka team. Every investor who invests in the Zaka Coins can count himself as the owner and team in this project.

Core Features

Zaka utilitiess

  • Fully Community Driven & Decentralized Infrastructure
  • Ultra-low processing fee
  • Fast international payments
  • Fixed  & Non-mintable supply
  • Ownership Renounced
  • Making worldwide payment
  • Making investments
  • As long-term value
  • As a medium of exchange for Webbazar etc
  • Offer and award to DawnFish customers at present.